Domingo passado pela manhã, estava caminhando por entre algumas árvores quando este pássaro repentinamente apareceu do nada, e num vôo rasante pousou entre as folhas secas atacando algo com determinação. Logo em seguida percebi que se tratava de um ataque ao que seria o seu lanche matinal: uma grande e suculenta lagarta verde. Refeito da surpresa tive a felicidade de registrar a cena com as fotos postadas a seguir.
Eu, na minha inexperiência ornitológica, num primeiro impulso pensei tratar-se de uma fêmea de João-de-barro, chegando a fazer a postagem neste blog como tal. Entretanto, com dúvida, consultei observadores mais experientes no Wikiaves, o Pascoal Luiz e Wellington Santos aos quais agradeço, que me corrigiram.
Um bom fim de semana a todos!
Last Sunday morning, I was walking beneath some trees, when this bird suddenly appeared out from nowhere and landed in a low flying among the dry leaves attacking something with determination. Soon I realized that it was an attack on what would be your lunch: a big, juicy green caterpillar. Recovered ffrom the surprise, I was fortunate to record the scene with the photos posted below.
I, in my inexperience in the "birdwatching science", at first thought it was a female of Hornerus Rufous, posting the photos in this blog incorrectly. However, as I was in doubt, I consulted experienced bird watchers in WikiAves, Luiz Pascoal and the Wellington Santos, whom I thank, who corrected me.
I, in my inexperience in the "birdwatching science", at first thought it was a female of Hornerus Rufous, posting the photos in this blog incorrectly. However, as I was in doubt, I consulted experienced bird watchers in WikiAves, Luiz Pascoal and the Wellington Santos, whom I thank, who corrected me.
A good weekend to all!